Homoeopathic Clinical Case Repository

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India

Swaccha Bharat
150 Years Of Celebrating The Mahatha

Submission Guidelines

Herewith are given guidelines which walk you through the requirements to submit a case to HCCR and briefs you about the review process that your submitted case shall undergo before being finally published on the portal.

But before you get going ….If not already read, we request you to read the detailed Terms and conditions of HCCR to familiarize yourself of the various policy as well as general matters pertaining to the portal. Once you have understood them clearly, you can now proceed with reading the submission guidelines.

We invite registered homoeopathic practitioners to come forth and submit:

  • Old cured/treated cases, for which all necessary information is available.
  • New cases in due course after recording the case as per a predefined standardized template, which is built containing all requisite information for complete case reporting.

Follow The Steps

Register yourself as a user on the portal. Click here to read the registration guidelines and visit the page.

Ensure Patient Consent

Publication of any personal information about an identifiable living patient requires the explicit consent of the patient or guardian. Users may download the HCCR Patient consent form, which is available in English & Hindi language to seek written consent from the patient before submission. The signed consent form is required to be uploaded.

If the patient is dead, the doctor should seek permission from a relative (as a matter of courtesy and medical ethics).

In case of children and/or minors - Parents or guardians can consent on their behalf.

In case of patients who lack capacity - If the patient lacks the mental capacity to decide about submission, parents or guardians can consent on their behalf.

Doctors declaration form

In cases which were treated by yourself long back and it isn’t possible for you to get back to the patient to seek their consent or it is possible to only get a verbal consent from the patient, we give the users an option of signing a Doctor’s declaration form. The doctor hereby takes the responsibility of submitting all the patient related information on behalf of the patient. In such a case HCCR shall not be responsible for the information of the patient that shall be shared, or if later the patient comes up with a problem about sharing his information to us.

What all information do you require for submitting a case?

Collect and keep handy relevant information of the patient so that you can enter the information in a flow as outlined below. You may, however, enter and save your case even halfway and chose to come back the next day to complete the case the next day. We understand that doctors have busy schedules!

  • Demographic details of patients.
  • Written signed consent form/ Signed Doctors declaration form.
  • Details about presenting complaints, past and personal history.
  • Details about general symptoms- physical/ mental.
  • Details about physical examination and investigation reports (scanned copies of reports need to be uploaded for all follow up visits).
  • Details of all follow ups recorded along with assessment of the case as per specific patient outcome scales (May visit the page for various commonly used patient outcome scales).
  • Repertorization details and chart (to be uploaded).

Few suggestions:

It is advised that you may keep the scanned pdfs of patient consent form; investigations in serial order for each follow up visit; repertorisation chart ready in a folder so that the process is smooth and it saves you time.

At most of the places through the portal predefined text and options have been given so that it saves time for our user to enter information. Most of the frequently used information is also available in drop down lists, making it convenient for you to select options. However, at few places you would be required to enter subjective information and we request you to be clear and brief in your language at these places.

A tutorial (to be uploaded) shall run you through the portal and give you a visual experience through our pages.

Processing of a submitted case

Submitted cases are subjected to a single blind review process, where the case will be auto assigned to a reviewer. Reviewers shall review and give their comments to each section in case history, so that user can do required modifications and resubmit the case back to the portal, in case required. This process shall be followed for cases which are found fit for publishing, after few changes.

If the information entered by the user in a case is found to be complete as cleared by the reviewer, the case would directly be moved further for publishing on the portal.

In cases where the information is found grossly incomplete/inadequate by the reviewer, the submitted case may not be accepted after the review process and the user shall be informed about the same.

Where can you see your submitted/ saved cases?

A list of all the cases that are submitted by yourself to the portal shall be visible to you after you login. Each user shall access the same through the dashboard.

All the cases submitted shall have an indicative tag / label alongside which shall reflect the status of each case.

Understanding the meaning of each tag:

  • “Saved”: saved cases, which are still in the process of being completed by the user i.e information has been added partially/ fully and the case hasn’t been submitted to the portal.
  • “Submitted”: Cases submitted successfully to the portal.
  • “Pending for review”: Cases submitted to the portal but waiting to be assigned to a reviewer.
  • “Under review”: Cases submitted to the portal and under review.
  • “Published”: Cases published on the portal.
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